A new defibrillator, which was jointly paid for by Cox’s Boatyard and the British Heart Foundation, is now installed at the boatyard, and is available for anyone to use in case of an emergency.
Located in an unlocked, vented case under the canopy of the toilet and shower blocks, the defibrillator gives audible step-by-step instructions for its use, as soon as the case is opened. This portable device can be used by anyone to help restart the heart of a person who is suffering from a cardiac arrest and works by delivering a controlled electric shock through the chest wall. For every minute that passes without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by around ten per cent, and research shows that applying a controlled shock within five minutes of collapse provides the best possible chance of survival.
We hope it never happens, but if you need to use this piece of life-saving equipment, please do so, with CPR if necessary.
We are planning on running a course on how to use a defibrillator and basic CPR in the spring, more details in the spring newsletter.